Uber-librarian Buffy Hamilton describes her decision to add a paid school subscription to EasyBib to her teaching tools. Many students already know the free web version of EasyBib. Her school already has NoodleBib (as Paideia does), but Hamilton says that the learning curve is steeper and more frustration for students who are still struggling with why they need citations in the first place.
The Portal Problem, Part 1: The Plight of the Britannica « The Scholarly Kitchen
Don't blame the Internet for killing the Encyclopedia Britannica -- blame Britannica.
"Britannica’s challenge in the future is not going to be convincing people that it offers value. It’s going to be convincing people that what it offers — a very small amount of highly reliable information — is worth paying for, given that people can easily get a very large amount of reasonably reliable information for free." -
Speed and Retention - Are e-Readers Slower and More Forgetful? « The Scholarly Kitchen
It seems to be true. Because reading a paper book involves many many sene and contextual cues missing from an ebook - smell of an old book, embossed dust cover with colorful images, paper feel and sound of turning pages, spatial clues such as left page, right page, progress through the book -- it's harder to recall what's read electronically.
Thinking more about ebooks and libraries and what big publishers should do – The Shatzkin Files
This article looks at both library and publisher arguments in the ebook loaning controversy. The author calls for careful experimentation on the effect library loans might have on sales of older book titles no longer on the "hot" selling lists, and proposes a 2-3 year "lease" on popular book categories to protect publisher sales.
Posted from Diigo.
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