What's wrong with this picture of students studying in the library for finals? Oh my goodness, they're blatantly eating lunch in the library! Yep, that's what going on.
Normally, no food or drink (except water) is allowed in the library at any time. If you've ever seen the high school commons after lunch (it's a gross trashy disaster), you'll understand why. Usually I take the offending items to my office for pickup on the way out (with assurance that I won't taste anything), but repeat offenders are requested to leave, immediately (alumni, you know who you are!). Most of the time, the student can come back the next day (or next week) to try again, but ever so rarely a student gets asked to leave, permanently, for the rest of the year. Sigh.
So what's going on this week? Long term finals, with the attendant anxiety and stress, and morning snacks provided by our awesome high school parents. Last year, rather than continuing to police and enforce the "no food" policy, I decided to offer a Food Amnesty for the three days of finals at the end of each long term.
So far, so good. Students seem to appreciate the luxury of snacks while studying, and as long as I walk around right before the final reminding everyone to "Leave No Trace -- even if you HATE the person who left trash behind (do you want that person to ruin it for everyone???)", the place is left in pretty good shape. It's an ecumenical holiday gift!
And the library is packed with studiers every morning before the first final, and during the entire lunch period.
I have my stack of vacation reading all ready. Do you? Enjoy the next 2 1/2 weeks!
с новым годом!!
Happy New Year!