National Poetry Websites
- Poetry Foundation.org (site of Poetry magazine)
- Poetry Daily (a new poem each day)
- Poetry 180 - a poem a day for High School students , from the Library of Congress
- Favorite Poem Project -- Americans reading their favorite poems out loud, begun in 1997 by former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky
- Poets.org -- Academy of American Poets Poem a Day archive
- Poetry Out Loud - resource site for a poetry recitation competition, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts & the Poetry Foundation
- Poem-a-Day from Knopf
- Writing and Ruminating - blog of children's author Kelly Fineman; lots of poetry analysis, link is to poetry posts
- I'm Here, I'm Queer, What the Hell Do I Read? - blog of YA author Lee Wind; link is to GLBTQ poem posts
- 30 Poets, 30 Days at Gottabook blog -- daily posts with a previously unpublished poem by a young adult or children's author, including many by authors of col
The New York Times Learning Network:
"11 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month with the New York Times"
Wonderful to stumble upon your blog!
You might want to add Sylvia Vardell's blog:
For National Poetry Monoth, children's poets are playing "poetry tag" on her blog.
And I'm posting a poem a day on this page:
It's very scary, since poems often take me weeks and months to write...having to post one every day means that many of them are still "poems in the raw"--yikes!
April Halprin Wayland
www.TeachingAuthors.com ~ six children's authors who also teach writing
Oops..not National Poetry MONOTH (that's a new word!)...I meant MONTH!
I just now saw this, through a somewhat random happenstance. Thanks so much for mentioning Writing & Ruminating!
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